A Cardano light wallet.Eternl: Your Gateway to the Cardano Blockchain.+ Send and receive Ada and native assets.+ Liquid Staking: Choose from over 3,000 staking pools for ADA delegation.+ DApp Integration: Seamlessly connect to a variety of Cardano dApps, from DEXes to marketplaces, lending platforms, to NFT projects and many more.More features:+ Blazingly fast syncing.+ In-wallet swap for ADA/CNTs.+ Buy ADA option.+ Hardware Wallets: Ledger, Trezor, Keystone.+ Send to multiple recipients at once.+ Address Book: Add addresses or Ada Handles.+ Catalyst Voting.+ On-chain governance.+ And much more...Your keys, your crypto! Eternl stores your wallet's encrypted private keys on your computer, not on Eternl servers (non-custodial). Be careful: Keep your seed phrase safe and never enter it on any other website.
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