VYRA – Support
Room’s – Feature Requests
Room’s – Feature Requests
Posted by VYRA on May 9, 2024 at 1:21 pmWhat features and modifications do you think could enhance “Rooms”?
All ideas are welcome.🙂
CryptoCrazeTV replied 3 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 10 Replies - 10 Replies
A keyword/hashtag search system. In topics, the discussion functionality can be expanded similar to mini-forums.
Notifications for new messages in “TOPICS”/”discussion” for all room participants could be added. Often these messages go unnoticed. Another option, as an addition to the previous suggestion, is to display the number of new (unread) posts/replies next to each room tab.
The ability to add another organizer/administrator to a room could be a useful feature.
Everything happens in life, and the room would be more resilient in case of unforeseen circumstances if dependence on one person is reduced.
Yes, I rushed with some of the suggestions, as these features are already in place. I apologize for the duplication and thank you for the information. So, from the important and necessary functions, I consider only the search system (which is already in development and this is very pleasing) for now. As for less important functions, perhaps the following notification system would be convenient. A user enters a room and immediately sees all updates since the last visit in the form of numbers. For example: FEED 17 (+2) | ROOMIES 49 (+1) | TOPICS 7 (+3) [and some symbol indicating new replies] | MESSAGES 15 (+3).
It would be beneficial to display the number of participants in polls. While polls aren’t restricted to rooms, this feature is directly applicable to rooms, and it’s where the need for this functionality became apparent.
If it was a way to get a direct URL to single posts, it would help immensely on marketing Vyra other places. That way you could link directly to the post in question, and avoid confusion and discussions on how to find, and why not possible?
(If its already possible, I am sorry for my blindness) 😀
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